What are the considerations for smart capacitors?

Summary:Since the two poles of the smart capacitor have the characteristic of remaining ...

Since the two poles of the smart capacitor have the characteristic of remaining residual charge, first of all, they should try to discharge their charges, otherwise, electric shock accidents may easily occur. So what exactly do smart capacitors need to pay attention to? Many people don't know what? Then we will show you.

When dealing with faulty capacitors, the circuit breaker of the smart capacitor bank and its upper and lower isolation switches should be opened first. If fuse protection is adopted, the fuse tube should be removed first. At this time, although the smart capacitor bank has discharged itself through the discharge resistor, there will still be some residual charge, so it must be manually discharged. When discharging, first fix the grounding end of the grounding wire and the grounding grid, and then use the grounding rod to discharge the capacitor multiple times until there is no spark or discharge sound, and finally fix the grounding wire. At the same time, it should also be noted that if the smart capacitor has internal disconnection, fuse blowing, or poor lead contact, there may be residual charge between its poles, and during automatic discharge or manual discharge, these residual charges will not be discharged Off. Therefore, the operating or maintenance personnel should wear insulating gloves before touching the faulty capacitor, and short-circuit the two poles of the faulty smart capacitor with a short circuit to discharge it. In addition, capacitors using series connection should also be discharged separately.